Monday, January 13, 2020


Hot seating

Alice, Hot seating to develop her character 

This is going to be set in a therapy room, taking about her family dynamic and how she sees herself. We are going to explore the role of the parents in the family and how it is represented and seen by the daughter, Alice. From this it will enable the audience to be able to possibly relate and have a deeper background into the lives of the characters and how unique each character is

Alice who is usually quite will give her point of view from the family by answering the questions she is asked. This will show how she sees her family and also develop how she feels and how she expresses herself. The relationship with her sister will be explored as there is jealously as Emily is seen by the parents as the spotlight child. It will be interesting to explore how this has affected the relationship between the two sisters. The mother daughter dynamic between Alice and her mother, Claire, will be explored as well as Claire is a nice and comforting mother who looks after both her daughters equally. This contrasts from how Alice's dad, Gary, treats her as Alice is seen as a disappointment in his eyes as Emily is much smarter and more successful than Alice

Actual Hot-seating

This is our actual hot seating which we filmed on a Canon 370 in our schools drama studio. We did this in order to give insight into the characters and provide them with more depth

From this we are able to see how nervous and anxious Alice is compared to how laid back Emily is. It also represents how Alice is somewhat of an outcast in the family, with Emily being the one the parents focus and give more attention to

It gives background to the characters, allowing the audience to understand them and possibly relate to characters like Alice through the anxiousness she portrays.


1 comment:

  1. I was impressed by your work here as the actor had been really well prepared to respond in role. You have discussed the part that she plays in the film thoroughly and this activity has certainly enable your actor to inhabit the role convincingly. You may be able to find a place for this or part of it on your film website, your film Twitter feed or film FB page. It is smoothly filmed and edited.
    You have also brought out the contrasts between Alice and Emily, showing the hidden tensions in the family. The cross-cutting between the two sisters exposes the pretences, 'faces' and unhappinesses. This is an extensive piece of character investigation.
