Wednesday, January 29, 2020



This hot seating for the father, Gary, shows the character answering questions, it allows us to develop the character more. This further develops his character so that the audience are able to see what kind of person he is. How he does not really care or think about his two daughters, as he shows very little interest in what they are up to in their daily lives. He is shown to think like this as when being asked questions he gives a very vague response showing how he does not care or want to care about them. 

Gary is shown to being very cold, this is shown by his obvious love for Emily over Alice, as it is shown that he dislikes Alice. Whereas, when asked about Emily he says that she is "better" and that she is more of a "success". This could explain what happens in the short film, explaining how distant Alice is from her dad.  This short film also explores how Gary feels about his previous job, being a War Photographer. We can see how he does not want to talk about it, as he becomes angry when he is asked further about his previous job. This suggests how he could have been affected mentally in a way that has changed him forever.

Actual Hot Seating

Behind the Scenes

To shoot our hot-seating we shot on a Canon 370. We used a Canon 370 as well as a tripod, this allowed us to get the perfect height to allow the shot to look like it was from an interview. This gives more depth to the hot seating. We set up in my Dads study room, and then we used his desk, light and some pieces of scrap paper to make it looks as if he was previously working. The suit that he is wearing also tells us that he has an important job, which could be in somewhere such as London. However, the distasteful attitude that he portrays was created around this, to make him seem like a cold, heartless character who does not focus on anything apart from work.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent work, team! You have shown great initiative and creativity in securing such an appropriate and confident actor for the part. You have clearly prepped well for the shoot. Well done all round.
