Saturday, February 15, 2020



We created an Instagram called No Name Productions in order to market our short film out to the public. We also showed behind the scenes shots of filming and making the film. This gives insight into the production of the movie for the audiences and the viewers of the movie. 
It also shows how we shot some of the movie shots, by showing the actors, whilst also showing the tripod and camera filming them. Our Instagram also features how we set up shots, such as our first post which showed how we filmed the photo changing each day.

Here is a link to our Instagram:

We created a Twitter account called No Name Production. We did this as a way to potentially reach a wider audience, which would in turn allow more people to view our short film. Similarly to our Instagram it has behind the scenes shots of how we created the short film, as well as having the release date in our bio.

We have the No Name Production ident as our profile picture in both our Instagram and our Twitter, it is a clear and easy to see picture. It is noticeable and therefore the audience will be able to recognise it easily.
Here is a link to our Twitter:

1 comment:

  1. An excellent suite of social media platforms that add realism to your production. You show real understanding and knowledge of the part that social media plays in the distribution process.
