Thursday, February 20, 2020



Final Cut Pro
We used Final Cut Pro in order to edit our short film. This allowed us to properly edit together all of our scenes, being able add sounds such as dramatic music as well as integrating a voice over throughout. Final Cut Pro was an easy to use software to use. It allowed us to upload all of our videos, including our ident, BBFC certificate and our actual clips from the short film. Final Cut Pro allowed us to collate our clips together, and allow them to make sense. 

Throughout our editing process we were able to integrate sound into our movie through adding non-diegetic sound, which allowed for us to create tension. Whilst also allowing us to add voice-overs which we were able to record straight onto final cut pro. The voice-over that we edited on by using Final Cut Pro allowed us to add further character development for Alice and her family. Showing how important something such as voice-over can be.

The Ident 
We created the Ident, and named the production studio 'No Name Productions'. We then decided on what to do for our Ident and settled on having Rosie shhh in three separate locations. We decide upon this to make it almost seem as if she was watching, with the last of the three being from a CCTV camera, which creates a sinister tone. We were able to create the three the ident by filming Rosie in three separate locations, doing the same movement which indicates a level of stalking. For our last of the three we used Giphy to allow us to use the Glitch filter which let our production name glitch in and out. This made the last of the three look much better and more official than without it. We then took the GIF we made in giphy and put it into Final Cut Pro and put the three together. 


This is our BBFC certificate for our short film, Silent Voices. We decided to give our film a age rating of a 12A as there are no scenes in the short film which require it to be any higher. However, there are some disturbing scenes and the main issue around the film would be how it address's mental health. This would not be appropriate for people under 12 years old. 
To make the BBFC certificate we used Photoshop and used a 12A template and then faded out the other movies title, and put in our own, Silent Voices. We also changed the tagline to be moderate language and disturbing scenes to make sure that it applies more to our movie. 
We created a BBFC certificate as it made our short film look much more professional. A BBFC certificate is an organisation which is responsible for the censorship and regulation of films being shown in Cinemas.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent account of the construction process with insights into how you tackled challenges.
