The Sundance Film Festival is a film festival that gathers original storytellers and audiences seeking new voices and 'fresh perspectives' in the shape of films. It takes place every winter in Utah and includes programs that involve dramatic and documentary features and short films, series and episodic content. It showcases emerging media in the form of multimedia installations, performances and films.
Boy Interrupted is a film that deals with the impact a mental illness such as bipolar has on life. The impact on those who loved him the most as well. She chronicles a harrowing and difficult journey that people with mental illnesses have to go through. The film functions as therapy for both its viewers and its subjects at a most fundamental level. It shows a parents worst nightmare. Boy Interrupted shows the realistic take on mental illnesses, and how through a documentary style of film making it has been captured. This is very useful, as it shows the real life affects people with mental illnesses have on those around them.
I chose this short film as it shows how hard it is to deal with mental illnesses. Our film 'Happy life' touches the element of mental illness and how it can impact those around you. I can use this film as it shows the reality of mental illnesses. We can use this to help portray mental illnesses correctly in our film.
Useful research that shows your grasp of the relationship between shorts and film festivals. Your choice of Boy Interrupted offers clear evidence of how research informs outcomes in film production work.